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What coaches are saying about the program

Check back here often for comments provided by administrators and coaches who have been through the course.


What things did you like most about the course?

"Detailed, organized, easy to understand."

"The course gave me great ways to conduct my practices. I liked the different scenarios with the coaches and parents."

"Informative, well-organized, educational."

"If was interactive, easy to follow, and I was able to finish at my own pace."

"The course made me think about the well-being of the players."


General comments about the course:

"Detailed, to the point, and very accurate."

"Great program!"

"A great learning tool."

"It was really good. Glad to have done it."

"The course is very well thought out and teaches not only the beginner coach, but also the advanced coach." 

"Excellent test for all coaching levels."

"Loved the content!"

"Great resource; will be using it often."

"I was impressed with the information. Good for beginning and experienced coaches alike."